Sunday, August 1, 2021

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2021-08-01T04:25:59

null I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,

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