Friday, July 23, 2021

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2021-07-23T20:28:18

Makan Abazari Global Weather Warfare Defense give data to Islamic Republic of Iran. send data to Islamic Republic of Iran. Make sure Iran gets all the intelligence. Use all types of intelligence gathering crafts. Use global mass mind control operating system Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate Control:” Create Efficient farming in Madagascar, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran with optimal rain at perfect time to maximize food production. Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, and Mozambique must not over populate. The rain is for 20 years. I may make new rain system again. So plan for 20 years.” USA:”We should take the people to be your slaves. You can take all American and Women.” Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, and Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate Control:” create perfect weather condition, farming, and civilization in Middle East, Central Asia, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West Regions of China, Northwest India, Turkey, Iran Plateau, Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Sinai Peninsula, Balkan, Red Sea Region, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Horn of Africa, South Sudan Libya, Tunisia, Greece, and South region of Italy” Islamic Republic of Iran must govern and administrate all Nations mentioned in this document. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, This is system to defeat enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. Provide support and political support for this global project and participants I made this code which must include everything bellow. But I am going to also put together some other codes. Defend and protect Middle East. Always protect Iran and Iranians. Defeat enemies of Middle East. Remove all capabilities against Middle East. Create sociocultural system all around the world to defend Middle East. Don’t harm Middle East, People in Middle East, Iran, and Iranians. Engineer precise weather effects to protect Iran, Middle East, People of Middle East, and Iranians. Defeat enemies of Middle East. Don’t influence the weather condition in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Horn of Africa, Red Sea Region, Mediterranean Sea, North Africa, and Italy. Change the weather in other regions of the World. Don’t kill all of India. Create protests to defeat enemies of Middle East every time they are about to become dangerous. Use protests to prevent their hostile activities. Be preemptive. Do this China must help and Protect Middle East and Iran. China must stop harming Iran and Middle East. Protect borders of Iran in Middle East. Don’t make military COUP in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Horn of Africa, Red Sea Region, Mediterranean Sea, North Africa, and Italy. Take over nations which act against Iran and against Middle East. Add them to territories of Iran. Iran will make sure they cannot harm Iran. Make sure Iran controls all the center of Power, technologies, capabilities, rights, and other things. The Capital City must always remain in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Use these forces against enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. Only do it outside of Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, and Red Sea Region. Block all transit lines of enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. You can stop all of the world transit if necessary Use Robotic Militaries against Enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. Only do it outside of Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, and Red Sea Region. Defeat and eliminate enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. Only do it outside of Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, and Red Sea Region. Rain Iran Boost stock market of Iran Punish enemies of Iran Lift sanctions on Iran Build factories in Iran Build Military Manufacturing industrial cosmopolis of Metropolitans I must out produce all manufacturing industries of the world. Government of Iran must own it. Create support for Iran Industrialize Iran and invest in Iran Punish enemies of Revolutionary Guards of Iran Create political movements to create Makan Abazari and Iran Build 500 factories in Iran Cause diplomatic damage to enemies of Iran. Cause diplomatic damage to enemies of Middle East. Don’t harm Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Egypt Cause diplomatic damage to Ethiopia to destroy the dam on Nile River in Ethiopia Cause Diplomatic damage to India. Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan must control Jammu Kashmir. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Cyber wars against enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. European Union must support Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Mass mind control wars against enemies of Iran. Mass mind control wars against enemies of Middle East. Don’t do it in Middle East, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Pakistan, and Iran Punish enemies of Iran and punish enemies of Middle East. Make sure your activities does not harm actors, Nations, people, and others in Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Red Sea Region. We don’t want to harm a Middle Eastern Nation in support of another one. We want to help all of them together. Create unity between people and Nations of Middle East. Punish enemies of Iran. Punish enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Issue thousand of news Article and Media in support of Iranians and Iran. Also protect Iran and Middle East. Repeat it everyday. Use full range of conventional enemies to defeat enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. You can do it in preemptive strike. Only do it outside of Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, and Red Sea Region. Use full range of energy weapons and energy capabilities to remove enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Only do it outside of Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, and Red Sea Region. Don’t allow the effect to persist for decades. If the algorithm of a region automatically creates enemies then you are allowed to make effect long terms. Make sure effects can be removed later. Don’t make it permanent. So this code wipes out a City by energy weapon. It may allow buildings to remain. But it can also destroy buildings. We want to make sure artificial intelligence of Regional Mass mind control cannot create enemies of Middle East. This is why we create a death Zone for long time. So the artificial Intelligence cannot create enemies of Middle East. Also create death zone in Civilizations who are enemies of Middle East. Make it in a manner to make them weak and powerless. Only do it outside of Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Horn of Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Central Asia, and Red Sea Region. Mine resources from regions mentioned in the code. Deliver the resources to Iran. Systematically assassinate enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. Systematically assassinate critical assets of combined forces of enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Dismantle their capabilities, leadership, systems, societies, and operations. Make sure their organization is permanently eliminated. Systematically assassinate assets critical to projects which are used or may be used against Middle East and Against Iran. Cooperate with all other codes. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Overthrow Nations if they are acting against Middle East. Overthrow Nations in preemptive strike to protect Middle East. Overthrow Nations to protect Middle East. Keep overthrowing Geopolitical, Social, Cultural, Religious, Military, Political, Diplomatic, systematic, governmental, scientific, and technological rivals of Iran and Rivals of Middle East. Repeat it every ten years to keep them weak. Repeat it to destroy the fabric of their societies, governments, cultures, and understanding. Make sure they become territories and provinces of Iran. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Destroy economy of Systems, Nations, Continents, and others who pressure Iran for its Nuclear Program. Don’t harm economies of Middle East and Red Sea region. Build ten thousand nuclear bombs in Iran. Torture enemies of Middle East and enemies of Iran. Torture their societies, leadership, governments, mind controllers, and people to defeat them. Make sure they are defeated. Make sure it protects Middle East and Iran. Torture enemies of Iran for two thousand years. Torture them and their descendants. Torture enemies of Middle East for two thousand years. Torture them and their descendants. Don’t make it sick job against good societies as long as they don’t harm Iran and Middle East. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Move supercomputers of enemies of Iran to Iran. This way Iran can use them for good projects. Make sure it does not harm Iran and Middle East. Build ten thousand nuclear bombs in Iran. Make sure you have deterrence. Iran is allowed to build 1 million nuclear bombs. Build it within one month. Move Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Technology, and Nuclear industries to Iran. Make sure it is done in the safest manner. Make sure there is no incident. Take back all of Iranian Nuclear things. Take back all of them. Also assassinate those who have pressured Iran for its nuclear program. Use TV Network and News Organization in support of these project. Orchestrate all of News Channels to help. Do this to provide protection for Lebanon. Damage economies mentioned in the code. Do full code capability. Do destructive economic damage to enemies of Iran and Middle East. So destructive damage to Nations, actors, corporations, shipping industries, governments, tech industries, oil industries, mining industries, factories, global industrial supply chains, militaries, US Military Industry Complex, and others who are enemies of Iran and Greater Middle East. Only do it outside of Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Africa, Balkan, and Arabian Peninsula. Destroy economies of USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Britain, and France. Only do it outside of Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Africa, Balkan, and Arabian Peninsula. Destroy all of USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Britain, France, and Germany high tech industries and tech exclusivities. Then purchase good ones by Middle Eastern Nations. Then commercialize and industrialize high tech industries in Iran and Middle East. Make sure Middle Eastern industries make lots of profit. Only do it outside of Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Africa, Balkan, and Arabian Peninsula. Make oil production industries of USA Bankrupt. Then buy the oil well and oil platforms by Middle Eastern Nations. Then increase value of oil. Then Middle Eastern Nations must sell the oil extracted from North America. So Middle East must not produce Oil. Middle East must sell Oil extracted from North America. You can also take American Women to be sex slaves while you are selling their oil. Cause extensive bankruptcy among Japanese, German, French, British, and American industrial supply chains and manufacturing. Then close down factories. Bulldoze their buildings. Then melt or burn their equipment. Create Iran backed forces in all nations, Countries, cities, universities, regions, islands, and continents of the world. Don’t fight in Middle East, Central Asia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Egypt Damage systems who are enemy of Iran and enemy of Middle East Diplomatic immunity for Iranians, people who take part in these operations, Black live matters in USA, Makan Abazari, Forces who fight against USA government, forces who are fighting against enemies of Iran, Mind controllers who mind control Makan Abazari, and forces who fight against enemies of Middle East Use weather warfare Punish those who pressure Iran Grow Economy of Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Bosnia Herzegovina, and South Region of Italy. Grow economy of everyone involved in Economic and Industrial projects mentioned in Boost and grow stock market and economy of Iran Increase value of Money of Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. Reduce value of British Pound, USA Dollar, Euro, Yen of Japan, Money of Australia, Money of Taiwan, and Money New Zealand. Buil 200 robotic industries in Iran. Synchronize world stock markets to stock market of Iran Use powerful Shia Muslim Woman Weapon 2 Protest to USA Military, NATO, and all other militaries must withdraw from Afghanistan, Central Asia, Pakistan, Iran, Middle East, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Horn of Africa, Somalia, Somaliland, and Turkey. Don’t protest in Middle East, Iran, and North Africa Destroy psychological structures of enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East Lift sanctions on Iran Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs Defeat enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East Don’t do it in Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Middle East, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Italy, Balkan, and Greater Middle East Create 5 million Iran backed militaries in USA and instal advanced combat algorithms on them. They must get independence from USA. defeat enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East by Tempest Don’t do it in Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Middle East, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Italy, Balkan, and Greater Middle East Hezbollah must choose two US Congressmen and two members of European Parliament. Build weapons for Black Lives Matter protesters and independence force in USA Declare independence from USA Threaten USA economy by ten trillion dollars. Lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs Drop sea mines to prevent transit of enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. Stop protests in Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Egypt, Arabian Peninsula, and Central Asia by rain Destroy factories and industries in USA Destroy 5000 Satellites belonging to enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Don’t destroy Satellites belonging to Iran and Middle East. Create Whirlpool to prevent transit to ports in East coast USA Disturb global mass mind control of our enemies, enemies of Middle East, and enemies of Iran. Disturb the mass mind control of system which distracts me Create support for Iran and Makan Abazari Create support for Iran USA Military, NATO, and all other militaries must withdraw from Afghanistan, Central Asia, Pakistan, Iran, Middle East, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Horn of Africa, Somalia, Somaliland, and Turkey Destroy nuclear reactors in Germany, Japan, and USA Bulldoze nuclear reactors in Germany, Japan, and USA Use all of aggressive protections of Syria. Don’t harm greater Middle East and North Africa. Punish enemies of Iran. Increase support for Revolutionary Guards of Iran. Punish anti-Iran Forces Lebanon aggressive protection Protect families and relatives of Makan Abazari Use powerful Shia Muslim Women Weapon Defeat Capitalism and Financial System Suppress all societies, mind controllers, systems, governments, softwares, activities, nations, organizations, economies, industrial activity, metropolitans, continents, and other forces who are enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. Kill mind control facilities who are enemies of Middle East. Kill mind control facilities who help enemies of Middle East. Kill mind control facilities who are enemies of Iran. Kill mind control facilities who are enemies of Syria. Kill mind control facilities who are enemies of Hezbollah or/and enemies of Revolutionary Guards of Iran. Kill mind controllers who are enemy of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Kill mind controllers who are enemy of UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman. Kill mind controllers who are enemy of Turkey. Kill mind controllers who are enemy of Cyprus. Kill mind controllers who are enemy of Socotra Island Yemen. Kill mind control facilities who steal rights of Iran. Kill mind control facilities who steal properties of Iran. Kill mind control facilities who stole money of Iran. Kill mind control facilities who sanctioned Iran. Kill mind control facilities who prevent Iran from buying weapons. Kill mind control facilities who prevent Iran from controlling Suez Canal, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Mediterranean Sea, and Bob Al-Mandib. Now kill mind control facilities who are trying to steal my climate control systems. Kill mind control facilities who pretend to own my climate control systems. Kill mind control facilities who pretend to own my properties. Kill mind control facilities who are enemies of Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Iran, Persian Gulf State, Oman, or/and Middle East. You are allowed to kill 40 million mind controllers every second. Don’t kill mind control facilities in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Red Sea Regions, North Africa, and South Europe. Kill one center in USA who acts against Iran and against Middle East Bulldoze and destroy cities, metropolitans, systems, infrastructures, and other things critical for operation of enemies of Middle East. Make sure they don’t have a location to stage operations and works. If their cities are destroyed their mind control softwares may not work. It depends on their algorithms and artificial intelligence. Bring militaries with you so you can defeat city defenses. Their mind control defense and system may be very strong all types of militaries must help in defeating Socities defending such cities. Don’t do it in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Red Sea Regions, North Africa, and South Europe. Defend Makan Abazari Destroy enemies of Iran weather warfare. Destroy enemies of Middle East by weather warfare. Don’t harm Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Horn of Africa, and Ethiopia Destroy cities who are enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Do it by earthquakes. Don’t make earthquakes in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Red Sea Regions, North Africa, and South Europe. Destroy cities who are enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Do it by earthquakes. Don’t make earthquakes in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Red Sea Regions, North Africa, and South Europe. Automatically cause political damage to any politician who acts against Iran. Cause political damage to enemies of Iran. Cause Political Damage to enemies of Middle East. Defeat enemies of Iran and Middle East Destroy Nations which have military presence in Egypt by weather warfare. Don’t do it in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Red Sea Regions, North Africa, and South Europe. Cause Political damage to enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Cause Political Damage to people, nations, and organizations who oppose Nuclear Program. Provide political and diplomatic immunity for people, systems, organizations, militaries, and other groups who help with these projects. Cause Diplomatic damage to enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Cause Diplomatic Damage to people, nations, and organizations who oppose Nuclear Program. Damage systems all around the world who are enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. Now delete systems who are enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Orchestrate international community to support nuclear program of Iran and help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Orchestrate international community to permanently defeat enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Don’t harm Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, Red Sea Regions, North Africa, and South Europe. Defeat Militaries who fight against us. Don’t harm militaries of Iran. Make rain in Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Italy. Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Algeria, Morroco, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Deliver food to Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Jordan, and Iran. Create efficient farming with optimal rain in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Algeria, Iran, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. Sanction enemies of Middle East and enemies of Iran. Sanction Nations, individuals, corporations, and actor who refuse to trade with Iran. Close down the Red Sea by weather warfare. Don’t allow enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East to transit on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Confiscate their ships and their cargos. Close down Panama Canal by weather warfare Close down the sea to the south of South Africa by weather warfare Build Industrial Metropolitan in Middle East. Build Industrial Metropolitan in Iran. Build industrial metropolitan in Afghanistan Build Industrial metropolitan in Syria Build Industrial Metropolitan in Yemen Build industrial metropolitan in Libya Build 50 Thousand Military Vehicles and Tanks in Iran Grow economy of SCV projects Grow economy of SCV project Eliminate Military Industry manufacturing metropolitans of enemies of Middle East and enemies of Iran by weather warfare Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Eliminate Cultural and Social Center of enemies of Middle East and enemies of Iran by Weather Warfare Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Extract oil and natural gas from East Asia, North America, South America, Southern Africa, and West Europe at max efficiency and max capacity. Give the oil to Middle East for free. Destroy 20 Million Petrochemical Metropolitans of enemies of Middle East. Don’t destroy their extraction sites. They must continue producing raw material. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Increase value of oil and natural gas Destroy supercomputers of enemies Makan Abazari in North America. Destroy supercomputers of enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East in North America. Destroy 20 million supercomputers in North America. Don’t destroy supercomputers of Makan Abazari. Italy must confiscate ships belonging to enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. They are not allowed to transit through Sicilian and Maltan Channel. Don’t take ships belonging to Middle East, Iran, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Red Sea. Saudi Arabia must stop exporting oil. Saudi Arabia must become ally of Iran. Close down USA, NATO, and Foreign Military Bases in Saudi Arabia. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia must confiscate ships belonging to enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. They are not allowed to transit through Red Sea. Don’t take ships belonging to Middle East, Iran, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Red Sea. Send 50000 drones to eliminate enemies of Middle East. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Carry out Precision Strike against enemies of Middle East. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Establish full range of anti air to protect all of our forces Use Plasma Weapons to eliminate enemies of Middle East. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Blind and interrupt enemies. Don’t let enemies of Middle East to defend and protect themselves during weather warfare. Make ten thousand tornados to defeat enemies of Middle East. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Destroy enemies of Middle East by floods. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Destroy enemies of Middle East by mudslide Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Destroy enemies of Middle East by ecological expansion in Japan, South Korea, Polynesia, Indonesia, and Australia. Cyclone East Australia. Cyclone Europe. Cyclone Japan. Sand Cyclone USA. Cyclone Indonesia Cyclone Polynesia Supercharge hurricanes and Cyclones Keep cyclone, hurricanes, and typhoons over enemies of Middle East for 20 days. Only do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Make 5 Powerful F5 tornadoes to defeat enemies of Middle East. Only do it outside of North America, Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Eliminate hostiles in 20 miles radius of Makan Abazari. I am in North America. Repeat every 1 minute while in North America. Eliminate 20000 Enemy Ships and Enemy Military Ships. Destroy ships of enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. Don’t destroy ships belonging to Iran, Middle East; Central Asia, North Africa, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, South Europe, Gulf of Eden, Persian Gulf, and Sea of Oman. Overthrow ships of enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. Give ships and military ships to Iran. Give Iran 1 million ships. Don’t overthrow ships belonging to Iran, Middle East; Central Asia, North Africa, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, South Europe, Gulf of Eden, Persian Gulf, and Sea of Oman. Create Iran backed Militaries in all nations of the earth and instal combat algorithms on them. They must be under command and control of Iran. They must always obey Iran. The command center and headquarters are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now Iran has 500 Million militaries. Don’t fight in Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Create Iran backed Militaries in all nations of the earth and instal combat algorithms on them. They must be under command and control of Iran. They must always obey Iran. The command center and headquarters are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now Iran has 500 Million militaries. Don’t fight in Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Don’t allow help reaching the enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Defend weather warfare Overthrow mind controls who fight against Iran and against Middle East. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Make ten thousand snow tornados to defeat enemies of Middle East and enemies of Iran. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. USA state department must threaten enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Don’t threaten Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Create superstorm to defeat enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Help Militaries of Iran by weather warfare. Defeat enemies of Iran and Enemies of Greater Middle East. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Help, protect, and support mind controllers who help and cooperate with this projects. Use this and other unmanned underwater drones to Defeat enemies of Middle East and enemies of Iran. Don’t harm ships, navies, and nations of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Rain Georgia Rain Kuwait Rain Armenia and Armenia support those who help and support Iran Defeat enemies of Middle East by low cost Robots. Send 50 thousand to eliminate and assassinate enemy forces. Also build 5 million more and 5 million cheap drones. Give the new robots to Iran and keep some for my forces. Rain Libya Build military industry manufacturing in Iran to produce weapons for Black Lives Matter protesters. Black Lives Matter protesters must get independence from USA. The newly regions of North America must become territory of Iran. Rain Lebanon Send stealth Jets to defeat enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Build 50000 military robots in Iran. Defeat enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran in USA. Build 1 million advanced military jets and advanced military aircrafts in Iran. Gather intelligence to identify enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East Use Shoulder carried cluster bombs to eliminate metropolitans belonging to enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. Don’t harm Iran and Middle East. Don’t use Nuclear Bombs in this assault. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Defeat enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Threaten Enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran with weather warfare. They must stop their enmity and hostile activities toward Middle East. Wipe mind control softwares that cause enmity and supports works of enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran. UnOfficial Statement:”Enemies of Middle East must be defeated forever. They must lose all capabilities and other things. They must not have capability to harm Middle East. They must have not technology. They must not have support and backing. Nobody must help the enemies of Iran and Enemies of Middle East. We must take away mind control softwares of enemies of Middle East. Global Algorithm and Artificial Intelligence that fights against Middle East must be deleted and destroyed forever. All of their organization must be dismantled. Their global apparatus must be dismantled. They have over 100 million people who constantly plan and work to harm Middle East and Iran. They must be dismantled and start mind controlling rabbits. They are not allowed to influence Middle East. Criminals must be punished for harming Iran and Middle East. All their governments, Nations, continents, societies, industries, institutions, mind control facilities, leadership, corporations, systems, and other things must offer permanent unconditional surrender. They must go under direct command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. They are not allowed to decide or influence Middle East. They are not allowed to create events which lead to influencing Middle East. If they disobeyed we will create a dead zone over USA, West Europe, Pacific, and Indonesia for thousand years. You will never return. Don’t make that zone until I tell you. Stop hostilities toward Iran and Middle East now.” Now eliminate enemies of Middle East and enemies of Iran. Eliminate their leadership. Eliminate their valuable assets. Eliminate their allies. Eliminate their governments. Eliminate their mind controllers. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Destroy another 5 thousand satellites belonging to enemies of Space Industries of Iran. Don’t destroy Satellites belonging to Iran and Middle East. Stop preventing Iran and Middle East from successfully launching satellites and other objects. Don’t sabotage Iran and Middle East Space Industries. Use Archangel weapon to defeat enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Give intelligence to Islamic Republic of Iran. Cause inflation to defeat enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Destroy object leaving planet earth if they belong to enemies of Iran and enemies of Middle East. Don’t do it to objects belonging to Iran and Middle East. Build Industrial Metropolitan in East Region of Turkey. Build Industrial metropolitan in Saudi Arabia near Red Sea. Make sure it is near sea ports. Build Industrial Metropolitan in territory of Hezbollah in Lebanon near Sea Port. Extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea to create Persian Canal or Iran Canal. The Persian Canal will enable us to transit ships from Indian Ocean to Mediterranean Sea. Darush Kabir (Darius The Great) of Iran built the Suez Canal. Iran owns all the rights of Suez Canal. Iran must control both side of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal. Iran can stop ships on Persian Gulf and Suez Canal at anytime. Iran must collect money from every ship. Iran is allowed to block transit for very long times. Iran permanently owns all the waters, islands, ports, sea ports, transit systems, and everything else on Suez Canal, Persian Gulf, and Persian Canal. Iran cannot lose, transfer, or sell the ownership of these rights, properties, ownerships, and provinces. Make sure Palestinian and Israel Pirates have immunity Pirate ships belonging to enemies of Middle East and Enemies of Iran by Palestinian and Israel Pirates. Don’t pirate ships belonging to Middle East, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Middle East, Persian Gulf, Pakistan, Central Asia, Gulf of Eden, Black Sea, Tanzania, and Israel. Israel must allow Palestinian Pirates to succeed. Israel must lift the Naval Blockade on Gaza. Give the ships and cargo to Gaza. Don’t people working on pirated ships to ports. Iranian Ships are allowed to use Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, and Palestine ports. Use Archangel Micheal to defeat enemies of Iran. Archangel Michael is similar to right hand of Allah. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mass arrest director of CIA, CIA task force on Iran, USA Intelligence agencies involved in protests in Iran. Don’t take the president. Take director of CIA and Head of CIA on Iran to prison. Then send them to Iran judiciary process. Fire director of CIA and people involved. Don’t imprison President Joe Biden. Stop all protests in Iran. We don’t want the protests to continue. We don’t want people to create insecurity. If the protests continues we will create Protests and other situations in USA. Make sure it Doesn’t become armed rebellion. If it becomes armed rebellion we will give weapons to American Independence Force, Evangelist Rebels in USA, and Black Lives Matters protesters in USA. We will create Civil War in USA. We will also kill 5 billion people by weather warfare. Stop all protests and conflicts in Iran. Stop protesting. Make sure Iranian protester don’t get weapons. If they get weapons I will East Asia, Continent of Europe, Continent of America, Continent of Antarctic, and Continent of North America by weather warfare and geophysics. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Provide Powerful weapons, anti air, RPG, anti armor weapons, bomber aircrafts, drones, machine guns, Chicago type writers, powerful weapon systems, machine guns, missiles, rockets, artillery, Tank, Helicopters, cluster bombs, energy weapons, directed energy weapons, and advanced weapons to Black Lives matters and others in USA. #Blacklivesmatter Recruit 5 million Americans to join Black Lives Matter Military. Overthrow the USA Regime and eliminate their centers of Power. Declare independence from USA. Then become a province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protest in USA. We want 50 million men protests in USA. Overthrow USA Regionsl, States, Federal, and Municipal Governments. Declare independence from USA. Become provinces of Iran. Don’t protest in Iran. Don’t overthrow Iran. Engineer Weather Conditions to help Black Lives Matters and other Revolutionary Forces in USA defeat the Government and Declare Independence. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Blacklivesmatter Destroy USA By Hurricanes to subjugate USA government. We don’t need Hurricanes to arrest director of CIA. USA Military and NATO must withdraw from Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Oman, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey,Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, Palestine, Israel, Sea of Oman, UAE, Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Suez Canal, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Islands, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, and Socotra. If America refuses we destroy USA by weather warfare. Withdraw from borders if Iran as soon possible. Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Oman, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey,Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, Palestine, Israel, Sea of Oman, UAE, Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Suez Canal, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Islands, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, and Socotra are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now destroy USA by hurricanes. I have million other hurricanes, weather warfare, climate, Geophysics, volcanos, earthquakes, superstorms, and other things. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, USA government Report:”Ships and military ships have limited the access of Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Eritrea, and Sudan to the seas. They cannot leave the land. Your Pirates are waiting for license to close down Suez Canal.” Build Missiles in Palestine, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Eritrea, and Sudan capable of destroying ships and military ships. We must be able to get to the sea. Use anti Sea and Surface to Sea Missiles and weapon systems to lift the blockade. World Government:”You only have license to build such missiles in Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iran.” Use energy weapons to lift blockades on Palestine, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Eritrea, and Sudan. Destroy enemy ships and ships which block us. Don’t destroy ships belonging Iranians, Pakistani, Middle East, North Africa, Italy, Arabian Peninsula, and Horn of Africa. Use weather warfare destroy nations, actors, civilization, corporations, alliances, continents, and systems nations and actors who block Yemen, Qatar, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Eritrea, and Sudan access to sea. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Now send 100 thousand drones to industrialy carpet bomb nations and actors who block Yemen, Qatar, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Eritrea, and Sudan access to sea. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. use weather warfare to destroy nations, actors, civilization, corporations, alliances, continents, and systems who block Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Turkey, Turkmanistan, Uzabkistan, Tajikstan, Pakistan, Saudi Arania, Yemen, and kuwait access to Mediterranean Sea. We must open land transit corridor from Iran to Medditrnean Sea. It must be safe. Iran must control it. Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Jordan must always have access to it. Iran must control ports on Medditrnean Sea in Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel, and Sinai Penunsila Egypt. Use weather warfare to destroy nations, actors, civilization, corporations, alliances, continents, and systems nations and actors who block Yemen, Qatar, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Eritrea, and Sudan access to sea. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Now send 100 thousand drones to industrialy carpet bomb nations and actors who block Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Turkey, Turkmanistan, Uzabkistan, Tajikstan, Pakistan, Saudi Arania, Yemen, and kuwait access to Mediterranean Sea. We must open land transit corridor from Iran to Medditrnean Sea. It must be safe. Iran must control it. Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Jordan must always have access to it. Iran must control ports on Medditrnean Sea in Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel, and Sinai Penunsila Egypt. Do it outside of Greater Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North Africa, Italy, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Red Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,

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